Adding a new theme

The steps in this section are for information only. Please be aware that customizations to the Contemporary theme or newly created themes are not supported.

To add a new theme, you must copy an existing theme and rename it. Never delete or change the Contemporary theme supplied with the install.

To hide an existing theme so users cannot select it, you must remove or rename the translation for the theme. For more information, see Making a new theme available and Translations list.

Changes to the supplied theme are overwritten on upgrade. Rework custom themes on a staging site before allowing users access to the upgraded system.

  1. Navigate to the \WWWRoot\Themes subdirectory of your Sage CRM install.
  2. Copy an existing theme and rename it.
  3. Create copies of all theme folders in the subdirectories of \WWWRoot\Themes.
  4. Review and edit the copied CSS in \WWWRoot\Themes. The CSS contains comments to help you identify the areas you may want to change. Areas for review may include:
    • General color scheme changes. When updating the color scheme, it is recommended that instances of existing dark, mid, and light colors are replaced with equivalent shades of the new color. For example:

      Color1 (hex color codes)

      Panoply Blue (hex color codes)

      Dark Green (#336633)

      Dark Blue (#3333FF)

      Mid Green (#338433)

      Mid Blue (#3399CC)

      Light Gray (#F2F2F2)

      Light Blue (#66CCCC)

    • Specific style changes. You can change style attributes in the CSS, but not the style itself or the formatting of the CSS file.
    • Instances of the copied theme in paths. Check and replace with the new theme name.
  5. Review and edit the following:
    • Copied style sheets in \WWWRoot\Themes\Reports\[theme name]. The only recommended change to STDGRIDS.CSS and STDPLAIN.CSS is to replace the dark shade with the new shade for your theme.
    • Copied BASICHTML.XSL file in \WWWRoot\Themes\XSL\[theme name].
    • Copied THEME.CSS file in \WWWRoot\Themes\InteractiveDashboard\Themes\[theme name].
  6. Review and replace images to fit your new theme. For more information, see Theme images.
  7. Stop and restart IIS.