Creating an escalation rule

To create an escalation rule that's outside the context of workflow:

  1. Configure escalation rule behavior. For more information, see Configuring workflow and escalation rule behavior.
  2. Click <My Profile> | Administration | Advanced Customization | Escalation.
  3. Click New.
  4. To clone an existing rule, ensure the rule is available for cloning. For more information, see Making an escalation rule available for cloning.
    1. Select the rule from Clone an existing rule.
    2. If you want to use the rule actions, select Yes from Choose to clone the actions associated with the Rule.
    3. Enter a Rule Name.
    4. Select Rule Enabled.
    5. Click Save.
  5. To create a completely new rule, complete the Escalation rule fields. Ensure the rule is enabled.
  6. Click Save. The new escalation rule is displayed on the Escalation screen.
  7. To add actions to the rule, click the rule link. If you add actions to a workflow rule that uses a .NET DLL or ASP page, the actions are not executed. The .NET method or ASP page is executed instead.
    1. Scroll to the end of the screen and click New.
    2. Click the action you want to add. For a list of actions that work with escalation rules, see Workflow actions.
    3. Complete the action fields. For more information, see the relevant action in Workflow actions.
    4. Click Save.
  8. Continue to add actions and click Save when you are finished.