Working with predefined escalation rules

Predefined escalation rules display onscreen notifications to users. For example, the Communication Reminder escalation rule sends an onscreen reminder to users associated with a task or meeting that the event will occur soon. For more information, see Predefined escalation rules. By default, the notifications are sent to the current user but you can send the information to a different user. You need the user ID to do this.

  1. To find a user ID, click <My Profile> | Administration | Users | Users.
  2. Search for the relevant user and click the user link in the search results. The URL at the top of the screen contains the user ID.
  3. Click <My Profile> | Administration | Advanced Customization | Escalation.
  4. Enter search criteria in the Filter fields. The following example finds all enabled escalation rules for lost opportunities.
    • Select Opportunity in Table Name.
    • Enter Lost in Rule Name.
    • Enter Y in Rule Enabled.
  5. Click Filter.
  6. Click the rule.
  7. Add the user ID to the start and end of the SQL trigger clause. The following example sends the information to a user with ID 5.
    vNotificationOpportunity.User_rollupto = 5  AND vNotificationOpportunity.oppo_opportunityid in (select WkIn_CurrentRecordId from dbo.WorkflowInstance where WkIn_WorkflowId = 10 AND WkIn_CurrentStateId = 53 AND WkIn_CurrentEntityId = 10)   AND ((Escl_EscalationId is NULL ) OR (Escl_WorkflowRuleId <> 10163) OR ((Escl_WorkFlowRuleId = 10163) AND Escl_Datetime < #T AND Escl_UserId = 5))
  8. To use the rule, select Rule Enabled if it's not already selected.
  9. Click Save.